Friday, March 14, 2008

sometimes a few days of rest make all the difference... that and exercise. i have gotten back on the 'pony' so to speak this week with a combo of both running a bit, biking a bit and doing some weights. today is a 'cough cough' sick day and it feels really good just to have the day to do some things that i want.

when i wrote earlier about change... im waiting to hear about a couple of jobs that ive applied for. i realize that over the past 10 years that i have probably put way too much emphasis on thinking that something was actually going to happen but lately with the way things have been going at the college i really thought that this time it was going to be 'it.' its been 10 days since the app window has closed and ive heard nothing - nada... so now im wondering if again i have put all of my emotional eggs into one basket and just waiting for the other shoe to drop. on the other hand, im still somewhat optimistic that perhaps something good might come out of it all.

in the bigger scheme of things, its all good really. my kids are healthy and my universe isnt crumbling at this moment. i seem to have a good set of supportive friends who are more than willing to call me on my shit and im super fortunate to have an electricfying wife. sometimes too electricfying but its all good really.

so... why do i seem to be waiting for the depression to slowly creep back in... i can sense that it is just around the corner kinda waiting for me with a big bully stick in it's hand and im kinda leery of feeling too good but i do feel pretty good overall.

so here i am with a little bit of hope in my back pocket and some very good vibage going into the weekend

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